I started blogging back in 2018 and now run three blogs, and while it has been a roller coaster of emotions, neglecting the blogs and thoughts of why I even bother, I do actually enjoy blogging.
Blogging is a way I can express myself or put information down that won't only help you guys but could also help me in the future. It's a place I can share my life in a way that isn't a video format. I can be 100% real on my blog, and it not come across a way I don't mean it to (though that can still happen) because I had to edit the video to limit the hateful comments about the length of the video.
I can censer my words if need be, which is a blessing when you have no filter on your mouth. I also like that I can write a whole year worth of blog posts, and no one would be none the wiser. With youtube, people would realise if you pre-filmed a year or even half a year of content and then randomly filmed yourself.
I'm almost due to give birth when this blog post comes out, but while this is posted on the 1st July 2021, I'm actually writing this very post on the 7th May 2021 just so that I can focus on the baby when she is born and not be worrying past June about having to film or write until hopefully September except for may a post or video here and there as I have the motivation and time.
The last few reasons off the top of my head about why I love blogging is because of you guys, the community I have built who comes back each month to catch up on what is going on with me, and the feeling of a clear head after I write a blog post because all my worries vanish and instead I'm left with a floaty feeling, I have no worries, and I'm able to focus on what I need to do.
I cant wait to see what the future brings, but I thank you for allowing me to have this outlet where I can be myself and be accepted because there aren't many places you can have that.
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