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How to get noticed as a small YouTuber


Getting noticed as a small YouTuber is hard, it’s something I’ve struggled with for years but I finally found a way which works for me and I wanted to share it for if it may help someone else get their YouTube noticed. 

1.) keywords: keywords go a long away but make sure they are relevant, when you are a small YouTuber this is the only way people will find your video so make sure your keywords are well thought out and relevant to your video to get the most views

2.) sharing: share you videos on all your social media using hashtags that are relevant even sharing in groups related to your video can help but never do sub 4 sub as that will hurt your channel  

3.) be consistent: being consistent means people know when you will upload and want a to come back to see new content. YouTube will also know you are active on the platform and push your videos out more. Also engage with your viewers constantly 

4.) research: research all your video ideas, if you are stuck for videos research trending topics, research will also help you work out the best keywords to use to get publicity.

5.) cards and end screens: by using cards placed at times where someone might click off (you can find that out by looking at previous videos retention rates on YouTube studio) you are more likely to get the viewers who are not interested in that video click over to another video which they may find more likeable, using end screens will help viewers who enjoyed your video to watch similar content and even subscribe straight from your end screen. 


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