When you have been blogging for a while, it can be hard to remember what blog posts you have and haven’t written. Later on this year, I will be releasing a blog post all about how I plan out a year’s worth of blogging material, but for today’s blog post, I thought I would talk about how I keep track of all the blog post I have written across all three of my blogs.
My main way to keep track is by using one note. A free notebook that you can get on both your phone and laptop, and the handy thing is on your computer; you don’t even have to download an app because they have a website. Onenote is all done through windows, and yes, you can use your Gmail password and login to use one note which is really handy.
I have loads of notebooks, as you’ll see in the photo below.
I have a question for you readers if you also run a blog, how do you keep track? Is there an easier way I don’t know of? Let me know in the comments.
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