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Pregnancy tag | seventeen and pregnant

 1. How and when did you find out you were pregnant?

In October, I kind of had a feeling I was pregnant and tested eight days after when I ovulated. (I have endometriosis and feel when I ovulate, so it's very easy for me to pinpoint different times in my cycle because of pain levels, and I can also feel when my egg is released.) the test came up negative, which I should have expected because one, it was way too early to find out, and two, I took the test in the afternoon on a non-sensitice test; cue eye roll.

The day before I found out I went on a hike with my partner and his friends and I was really mad and bitchy to everyone, everything was getting on my nerves and I was also sore from all the walking and climbing. I usually have horrible mood swings leading up to my period, but this was ten times worse than normal everything was setting me off, and the slightest thing would make me cry. I just thought my period was going to be really bad this month and thought nothing of it because of the pain I was feeling. 

I was feeling kind of sick the next day, which was the day before my period which was normal for me, but I couldn't put myself to cook so I asked my partner if he could cook dinner for us, which he agreed to, and randomly I had the urge to pee, and I don't know what came over me, but I decided as I was about to walk out of the bedroom door to grab a pregnancy test and take it. Low and behold, it was positive. I was only three weeks pregnant to the day when that First response test came back positive.

2. How did you feel?

I was excited but also nervous. It was unexpected to us because I had all my pre-period symptoms, but after we found out, we did realise I had some signs, but we had just dismissed them, thinking my period was going to be extra bad that month. I was also scared I would miscarry again and how I would deal with the loss of another child.

3. How old were you?

I found out at seventeen and will be eighteen when the baby is born.

4. How did you tell your partner?

My partner was cooking dinner, so I hid the test in my pocket, went into the kitchen, and asked him to come to the bedroom with me because we lived in a shared house, and I didn't want to tell him when everyone could hear. I sat on the bed and just said 'I'm pregnant and showed him the test. He looked at the test, said okay and then left the room to keep cooking.

5. Did you wait three months to tell people? Why/why not?

We were going to wait until the twelve-week mark, which was a few days after new years but we craved and announced it in early December because I was struggling to hide I was pregnant from starting to show and my extreme morning sickness.

6. Is this your first?

This will be my firstborn, but this is my second pregnancy. My first pregnancy was when I was fourteen, and it landed up in an early miscarriage when I was seven weeks and six days pregnant.

7. Do you want more?

We want to adopt in the future, all going well, but this will be the only biological child.

8. Your biggest craving?

My biggest craving has been the same four things. 

  • Classic chicken subway sandwich,
  • Chocolate sauce,
  • Pizza shapes, 
  • Sweet Thai chilli doritos chips.

9. What’s the best part of being pregnant?

The best part of being pregnant is feeling my little girls kick, reminding me that I'm growing a little human inside.

10. What’s the worst part of being pregnant?

The worst part of pregnancy is the morning sickness and the aches and pains from swelling and everything changing.

11. Will you find out the gender? What do you prefer?

Yes, we found out the gender; I always wanted a girl to be my firstborn, and my partner didn't mind. The only thing the gender would change is what we dressed our child in when we left the house. It took us an hour to find out the gender because baby wouldn't uncross legs, but at the end of it all, I got my little princess.

12. Do you have names picked out, and what are the stories behind them?

Yes, We have had our daughters named picked out from the start because its what I always wanted to name my kid if we had a daughter. We just won't be telling anyone our child name until she is born. We picked out a boys name a few weeks before we found out it was a girl, and it was part of a name that means a lot to my partner but changed a bit to be more unique.

13. What’s your birth plan?

I have actually just started to plan out my birth plan; I have been so busy trying to get most of my work pre-done for July and August so I can take a break leading up to baby being born and so I can adjust a bit before having to worry about filming or writing anything. As well as setting up our flat, setting the nursery up the way I want it and nesting, I hadn't got around to it. So far, I want to try for an unmedicated birth, but if that fails, I only really want gas; I want the epidural to be the last resort. I want to be able to labour at home for as much as possible and push in a position I feel comfortable in and move freely. I know. However, that thing doesn't go to plan, and as long as both baby and I are healthy at the end, that's all I care about.

14. Will you breastfeed?

Yes, My boobs are already leaking and have been for many weeks, so I will definitely be trying to breastfeed, but I also don't mind if it doesn't work out; everybody is different, and not everything goes to plan, so I will go into it with the mindset I want to exclusively breastfeed, but if it doesn't work out I know it won't make me any less of a parent.

15. Do you plan to work or be a stay at home, mom?

My full-time job is my Youtube channel, My blog and my writing, so I work from home. I plan to keep working on my jobs, but I expect to spend a lot less time on them because my full-time job will be to raise my daughter.

16. Will you make your own baby food?

I plan all going good to make my own baby food. I am already looking on Pinterest and other websites for baby food recipes, but if I have to, I will use store-bought baby food, even if it's every few weeks, to give me a break.

17. Do you have nursery ideas/themes?

Yes, My nursery theme is rustic/nature. All the furniture is made of wood or made to look like wood, and the decorations are fake flowers, flower smelling candles, and most of her outfits that are on display are to do with flowers. I will be doing a nursery tour on the 16th of April 2021 on my YouTube channel.

18. What have you purchased since becoming pregnant?

Everything. I had a lot of stuff already from collecting over the years, but since getting pregnant, we have bought almost everything we need at this point for the baby. I only have to get the baby monitor from amazon, The cloth nappies, my breast pump and the bedside co-sleeper. Which as of April, we will only have the cosleeper left to get, which we are just waiting for it to go on sale. 


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