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What I learned from my first pregnancy

It took me so long to write this because my laptop lost internet and I didn’t know how to write this in a way it would make sense and because when writing about a pregnancy you lost, it can be hard not to start to cry, especially when you have to think back to all the memories.

1.) Life is too short
Everyone says this, but it took me to get pregnant at 14 to realise it was true. I was ready to be a mum, not that everyone agreed with my decision, but I was. It wasn’t that made me realise it; it was losing them that made me realise, I knew pregnancy lose was a risk for me; my mum had suffered one before, and my grandma on my dads' side had a stillborn plus with my age and my endometriosis I knew it was a risk but realising that my baby’s had died 1 day off being 8 weeks pregnant made me realise that’s baby's life was gone before it even really began. 

2.) that not all teenage pregnancy are the same
You here all these stories of teen mums losing almost all their friends and people abusing them about it ect but that wasn’t the case for me. If anything, it made my friendships stronger and gave me more. I was never abused for it; I was told I was stupid for landing up pregnant at 14 and that I shouldn’t go through with it and that I was a slut, but nothing as extreme as online bullying, being spat on ca.t

3.) that even at only weeks, it is horrible
I always heard of morning sickness starting early, but I never got that much of it. I mean, I felt sick all day long, but I never once threw up, which was a relief. Still, by the time I was 6 weeks pregnant, I had a bump noticeable enough that if I was in a single, you could see it, I couldn’t even get over a gate, and when I mean a gate, I mean an old door laying down on its side which would be the easiest thing in the world for me with my long legs. Still, it made me want to sleep then and there.

Now I know there’s probably way more that I learned, but I think that will be enough for now due to not being able to think straight or see straight for that fact.


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