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pregnancy tag (miscarriage edition)

I decided to do the pregnancy tag today because I was meant to be giving birth today.
I will answer the questions for a normal pregnancy but with my miscarriage answers if that makes sense. I was seven weeks and six days pregnant when we found out I had miscarried.
1. How and when did you find out you were pregnant?

I had a gut feeling that I was pregnant, and on 27 March 2018, I got my first positive pregnancy test. Two days later, I went to family planning to get a test done there and got a negative pregnancy test. Then on April 1st,2nd and 3rd, I took a test each morning, and three tests were positive. I  went to the doctors on 9th April and got a blood test done, which confirmed I was 4 weeks 3 days along.

2. How did you feel?

Excited, upset and confused. I was excited when I got all the big fat postivite and upset and confused with the negative. The only reason I was excited was because I had always wanted to be a mum, and I always thought I couldn't because of my endometriosis.

3. How old were you?

I was 14 when I found out and when I lost the baby and was due to give birth today (4/12/2018), and I would have been 15 when I had them.

4. How did you tell your partner?

Most people think I don't know the father. After all, I lied to protect him because I thought I loved him, I took the first test with him, and he was amazed just like I was.

5. Did you wait three months to tell people? Why/why not?

No, I didn't, I was so excited I wanted to tell the world, so I was waiting for him to tell his parents, and he told me he was going to, so I told the world a week before I miscarried, but a few of our close friends knew after the blood tests came back.

6. Is this your first?

Yes, it was my first.

7. Do you want more?

Yes, I want to be able to hold a baby and tell them of there angel siblings.

8. Your biggest craving?

I craved salt and chicken badly.

9. What’s the best part of being pregnant?

The best part of my pregnancy was that I didn't get proper morning sickness. I felt sick, but I was never actually sick.

10. What’s the worst part of being pregnant?

I was sleeping all the time one weekend; I was awake a total of 3 hours each day for 3 days.

11. Will you find out the gender? What do you prefer?

I would have loved to find out the gender; I would have loved to have one of each.

12. Do you have names picked out, and what are the stories behind them?

Yes, I had names picked out; there won't be much of a story; I was in charge of any girls names, and the dad would be in charge of the boys.

13. What’s your birth plan?

I wanted a natural birth, with just gas as the pain killer, and to do most of it at home until I really needed the gas, then I wanted to go into a birthing unit instead of the hospital.

14. Will you breastfeed?

Yes, I wanted to breastfeed if my body allowed me to I really think the benefits are amazing for baby's health.

15. Do you plan to work or be a stay at home, mom?

I planned to continue my study's during my pregnancy and later on transfer from my health school to a young mum school and head back to school a few weeks after birth with baby's (our young mum school has a daycare on site which the teenage mum baby's going to). I was going to continue my writing and my YouTube.

16. Will you make your own baby food?

Yes, I was going to breastfeed as long as I could and if baby was at an age to be on full solids, and I was going to make as much the food as possible.

17. Do you have nursery ideas/themes?

not really, I had all of the baby's stuff in my cupboard and I was going to sleep with a baby on my bed in a bassinet

18. What have you purchased since becoming pregnant?

I almost had everything I needed; I was going to hire the pram and car seat, I had the bassinet clothing for both genders up to 6m, I had 2 boxers of diapers, 3 dummy's 4 packs of wipes, cot bedding, socks and shoes, I also had toys etc. I had very little left to buy.


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