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Showing posts from 2025

How I track everything I do & how I plan to do better

How I keep track of everything  Keeping track of everything I need to do for social media can be difficult and thankfully in 2024 I was getting really good at pre-filming and keeping ahead of all my work.  When ever my daughter was away with her dads family I would pre-film my YouTube videos and TikTok’s in advance, I would try to always be a month ahead of my schedule to make it easier.  To keep track of what needed to be done I would write out a plan with each date a video or podcast needed to go up and what it was so that I knew what I needed to film and the date it needed to be done and posted by.   How I plan to do better I know I struggled to keep on top of everything all the time the last few years with just one child who I did get breaks from at times to be able to pre-film etc. and now with a second child here and in a new country with less time; I know it is going to be harder even though I was just starting to get in a routine so I have spent a while ...

How I hid my pregnancy

  It is no secret now that I spent most of 2024 pregnant and I managed to hide it for basically my whole pregnancy without anyone finding out minus who I personally decided to tell.  I decided to share my tips on how I hid my pregnancy to help others for whatever reason they decide to not share the big news these can help no matter how long you decide you want to hide it for.  Clothing and appearance I opted for loose, flowing clothing like oversized tops and jumpers and towards the end whenever I had people coming over to my house (I rarely left home other than appointments or shopping anyway) I would wear my oodie.  Behaviour I made sure I had plausible reasons ready for changes in my diet, avoiding alcohol, or even when I was feeling sick with morning sickness (e.g., diet change, medication, or a temporary health issue). Situational adjustments I tried to avoid situations where my body might be closely scrutinized. I also reduced social engagements where people mi...