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How to effectively write a blog post to be seen


Now don't get me wrong, you can do everything right and still not have your blog or blog post found; sucks, right? But that is because it’s not all about SEO (I will get into that soon) it’s also about marketing, but I’m not here to mumble on about marketing your blog; I’m here to give you the hard facts about how to write a blog post to be seen effectively. 

Now, what is SEO?

SEO stands for Search engine optimization, which is the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website or a web page from search engines. SEO targets unpaid traffic rather than direct traffic or paid traffic.

In short, it means that instead of paying for ads to get your blog out there or marketing your blog yourself, it does the work for you. 

 So you may be asking, how do you do it?

First, off you will need an idea for your blog post. For example, you may be wanting to do a post on how to make sales on Redbubble . You want to come up with a title that will not only draw people in but also what people will be searching for on websites like google. 

I like to use google to my advantage . I will go and search up how to make sales on Redbubble and see what pops up. 

When I did it for this blog post, I got things like

How to get more sales on Redbubble 

How to get first sales on Redbubble 

How long does it take to make sales on Redbubble 

How to make lots of sales on Redbubble 

But none of them fit with what I wanted, so instead, I searched up tips to make money on Redbubble and saw other bloggers with titles like how to sell on Redbubble (& actually make money) in 2021

So I would go with something like how to get sales on Redbubble in 2022 as my tittle

You then want to focus on your tags, and research what people search when looking for the answer to this question. A good way is through extensions on your google page and YouTube searches. If you use blogger like me, you need to make sure you stay under 200 characters, so make sure you use keywords that are really high up but with little competition; if you need a website to help, you can use QuestionDB or google trends 

Some keywords I got by using those tools were sales redbubble, making money organically, how to make money on Redbubble fast, and how to make money on Redbubble for beginners. 

You also want to make your blogpost as engaging as possible but still being to the point as not to bore your readers and make them come back for more

What are your tips for effectively writing a blog post to be seen?


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