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Showing posts from May, 2021

My daily routine as a pregnant teen

Not only am I a pregnant seventeen-year-old, but I also work from home, so my daily routine isn't what you may expect. I am going to walk you through a full day in my life.  I usually film daily routines on youtube, but I have to cut so much out to keep the length of videos short or because it's boring to watch, so this way, you can get the complete picture of my daily routine. It does change on weekends, but through the weekdays, it's almost identical.  Every day I wake up at 6:30am to my alarms telling me to get out of bed. I wake my partner up so he can get ready to leave for work and then I will go feed the cat before sitting on the couch talking to my partner while he gets ready for work. 7:15am I say goodbye to my partner as he leaves for work, and I start making breakfast and make my morning coffee. I will then sit on the couch, waking up until 8-8:30, when I will finally jump in the shower and get ready for the day. If I have enough washing, I will put a load of was...

How I keep track of blog posts I have made.

When you have been blogging for a while, it can be hard to remember what blog posts you have and haven’t written. Later on this year, I will be releasing a blog post all about how I plan out a year’s worth of blogging material, but for today’s blog post, I thought I would talk about how I keep track of all the blog post I have written across all three of my blogs.  My main way to keep track is by using one note. A free notebook that you can get on both your phone and laptop, and the handy thing is on your computer; you don’t even have to download an app because they have a website. Onenote is all done through windows, and yes, you can use your Gmail password and login to use one note which is really handy.  I have loads of notebooks, as you’ll see in the photo below.  In my notebook titled blog, I have the names of each of my blogs listed down, and planning is how I plan out all my blog post content which I’ll be covering later on. But if I were to go onto any of the note...