Oh, the agony, you are talking to a guy, and he is giving mixed signals about if he really likes you or if he is pretending to use you as a rebound; well, I have compiled a list for both to help you work out what you really are.
We have all been there at least once in our lives; you start talking to a guy, and you can not make sense about how he is really felling; there are a few telltale signs about what you are.
Now rebounds are not just sleeping around; they can be emotional too. A rebound is only a relationship or relations that happen while they are still getting over there partner. 90% of rebound relationships will fall apart within three months, but how long it takes to heal from a relationship depends on how long the relationship was, the person and if the relationship was over way before it actually ended.
some signs you are just a rebound are:
- they are totally in love with you even though you haven't known each other long
- your relationship moves really fast, but you feel you don't know a lot about them still
- bitterness towards there ex, they reassure you they are over the ex, but then they randomly lash out
- they are trying to make there ex jealous
- their previous relation ends really suddenly
- they act like you have been together for a lot longer then you have
- you don't have much in common
- they seem to not know a lot about themselves
- you feel like you are being measured against some stranded you don't know about
- you have a nagging feeling you were the first person they picked out of a lineup
but on the flip side, maybe they are actually into you and got over there ex fast, it can happen, and you can have some of the more minor rebound signs are still be okay
some of the signs that the person actually likes you are:
- he takes photos with you
- always wants to be spending time with you
- puts effort into hanging out
- goes on dates
- double and triple texts
- sleepovers
- wants you to meet his family and friends
- doesn't look at his phone when with you
- asks for your number
- talks about his plans
- compliments you
Obviously, many of these things can overlap, but at least it gives you a good idea of what may be going on inside his head and what he really wants. And remember, sometimes rebounds can turn into something more, but they typically don't, but you never know, so do what feels right to you.
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