Oh, the agony, you are talking to a guy, and he is giving mixed signals about if he really likes you or if he is pretending to use you as a rebound; well, I have compiled a list for both to help you work out what you really are. We have all been there at least once in our lives; you start talking to a guy, and you can not make sense about how he is really felling; there are a few telltale signs about what you are. Now rebounds are not just sleeping around; they can be emotional too. A rebound is only a relationship or relations that happen while they are still getting over there partner. 90% of rebound relationships will fall apart within three months, but how long it takes to heal from a relationship depends on how long the relationship was, the person and if the relationship was over way before it actually ended. some signs you are just a rebound are: they are totally in love with you even though you haven't known each other long your relationship moves really fast...