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My Self Care Routine

When you do as much as me in a day, you need a good self-care routine to keep your body feeling good; I suffered depression for a very long time, and as anyone with depression knows, your body and self-care goes down the drain, my teeth took the biggest blunt and were yellow, and orange from not brushing them in ages and once I had almost pulled myself out of depression, and I was smiling again people started commenting on them which wasn't helping so I try and keep myself now as cared for as possible and this is how

Now the products I use are 
(these don't include my shampoo and conditioner and like hair products, and they don't include my body washes)

  • St Ives blemish control apricot face scrub
  • charcoal face mask
  • charcoal face soap
  • Sensodyne
  • white gloss toothpaste
  • white gloss diamond series teeth whiting gel
  • cup o' coffee face and body mask from lush
  • Garnier Fructis repairing papaya hair food
  • exfoliating charcoal body scrub
My routine

Sunday: I start off by putting the St Ives face scrub on my face, and I start to run the shower; I apply the White Glo whiting gel to the mouth tray and put it into my mouth. I hop in and wash my face and then scrub off and wash my hair. Once my hair is washed, I put the Garnier Fructis repairing papaya hair food in my hair, and I let it sit for five minutes. While it sits, I take out the mouth tray and apply the white glo toothpaste to my toothbrush and clean my teeth off; I then put the exfoliating charcoal body scrub onto my body. I then wash my hair out and rinse the body scrub off before getting out of the shower. 

Monday: I use the Sensodyne on my teeth any day I am not whitening my teeth. I normally use the face soap on Mondays.  

Tuesday: I normally do a charcoal face mask just to finish off the acne stuff for the week 

Thursday: I again whiten my teeth and use the white glo toothpaste. On Thursdays, I also use the Garnier as a leave-in hair treatment which does wonders. It's normally Thursdays that I do the cup o' coffee face and body mask to leave my face feeling soft for the rest of the week.

on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, I don't do anything in my self-care, I wash my face with water twice a day after brushing my teeth, and I shower, and that's it, nothing special


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