I am a planner by heart; if something isn't planned, I freak out, and that is never good. My youtube videos are planned out months in advance, and my blog posts are planned out for a full year in advance; yep, you heard that right in December of every year, I plan out a full year worth of blog content. To plan out the blog posts, I use OneNote. On my OneNote, I have a folder titled blogs, and in that folder, I have three sections, one for each blog. My endometriosis and writing blog just has a list of posts, while the section for this post actually has pages labelled with each month and two posts on that page. I also have a page full of future ideas to write into next years blog post ideas. To find the blog post ideas, I typically come up with them throughout the year, ideas for me randomly spring into my head, and they don't just come on demand, the other way I get my ideas is by google search and looking at other peoples blog posts to get ideas, Pinterest, and posts full...