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My schedule for 2020 | YouTube, Blogger, Writing and Wattpad

In 2019, my youtube schedule was all over the place, so I decided in 2020 I will make a schedule for everything, so here it is.

YouTube: Instead of updating every day at 1pm {nzst} I will be posting weekdays at 3pm {nzst} and taking weekends off My YouTube

Wattpad: I will be continuing to updating every Wednesday and Saturday; I don't have a time set to update, but it will always be out by 5pm {nzst} My Wattpad

Blogger: For the last part of the 2019 year, I have been updating four times a month at 1pm {nzst}, but in 2020 I will be posting at the same time on the 11th and 28th of each month, so I will go down to two blog posts a year so that I can make better content.

Writing: My writing outside of Wattpad, I have to write for a minimum of two hours spent each day, it doesn't matter if it is spread across all my projects or only one, but I have to write on every book I am working on in the week.

Twitter: In 2020, I have to make a minimum of two posts every day, one to do with whatever and one to advertise my YouTube video of the day, one the two days I have no videos coming out, I will be promoting my Wattpad books that I am working on. My Twitter

Instagram: In 2019, I really sucked at updating my Instagram, so in 2020 I will be posting once a week; I don't know what time or date, just that I will be posting once a week. My Instagram

TikTok: I have to post one TikTok a week. if you want to follow me on TikTok, my user name is @phoesrules2


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