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My Tattoo | 7 tattoos at 15 years old

I just want to say happy birthday to me :) I got my seventh tattoo in May 2019 while I was still 15 years old. In this blog post, I will link my tattoo videos and show you my tattoos and the back story behind each of them.
How I heal my tattoos
Tattoo tour 2019
7 tattoos at 15 | tattoo reveal
How I shave over my tattoos
Getting tattooed | vlogmas day 8
Tattoo tag 2019

Disclaimer all my tattoos were done with my mum's permission and in an actual tattoo shop, and it isnt illegal in New Zealand, where I live.

 My first tattoo was done in December 2016; it's written in Japenese and says Chelsea and the date she died 13-11-16. Chelsea is my best friend who was battling cancer before I met her, but she was in remission when she started getting really sick (started with pain in her arm). Her original cancer was in her leg, and they thought they removed it all. The doctors didn't catch it in time, and it spread throughout her body.

My back tattoo was my second tattoo (watch it get done in vlogmas day 8); this one is a two-part tattoo. It was originally meant to be just the infinity sign, but at the time, I was friends with a girl, and she was thinking of getting an anchor so we thought it was going to be a friendship tattoo on top of the infinity sign, which is for my ex-girlfriend who killed herself in front of me and we were meant to be together forever. The friend never got an anchor tattoo, and we don't really talk anymore, but it still looks amazing.
My leg tattoo is a tattoo for my twins, which I miscarried in 2018. It has the date I miscarried, and a quote that reads, "I will always wonder who you would have been"

My rib tattoo is in Spanish and says, I am strong; I am a survivor with a yellow ribbon; the yellow ribbon is for my Endometriosis as well as suicide awareness & support our troops and to give us hope. My stepdad was in the army and was deployed before my mum, and he got together, but I grew up with him living with PTSD because of it, and I am strong; I am a survivor is both for my Endometriosis my past with all my suicide attempts.

 These are three different tattoos we will start with the symbols, so on the wrist with hope are fire and water, and the other wrist has an earth and air, the four main elements; I have always had a love for the earth and everything to do with it. My hope tattoo is that you have to hope that life will get better, and the courage tattoo is because you have to have the courage to improve your life. I got these three tattoos the same day in May as the rib tattoo.


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