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Showing posts from September, 2022

Best mobile apps for new parents

  Being a new parent can be tough, what’s normal? What’s not? When was the last time my baby fed or pooped? These are some questions that you might ask when sleep deprivation kicks in with a new baby but these five apps might just change your life.  1.) baby centre 2.) Ovia parenting 3,) white noise lite 4.)  baby tracker newborn log 5.) what to expect pregnancy mean baby tracker What is your favourite app for new parents?

FAQ: Get to know me

A lot has changed in my life so I thought I would answer some frequently asked questions so you can know me better. 1.) If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? If I could change one thing about myself, it would probably be my life experiences, growing up. I didn’t have the best childhood or upbringing, so I feel like being able to change that would help improve my Mental Health a lot. 2.) If you could have dinner with a famous person (living or dead), who would you choose? If I could have dinner with one person, dead or alive, I’ll have to choose alive and I’ll have to see Stephen king because I look up to him with my writing and I would love to get some tips from him over dinner. 3.) What's your favorite season of the year? My favourite season of the year is winter. I’m a winter baby. My daughters are winter baby and my mother was born in Britain so she’s a winter baby and I love the snow 4.) What's your biggest fear? My biggest fear is l...